Immunohistochemical Expression of PDL1 in Colorectal Carcinoma

Document Type : Original Article


1 pathology department, faculty of medicine, minya university, Egypt

2 Pathology department, Minia University, Minia, Egypt

3 36 Moustafa Fahmy street

4 Pathology department, Faculty of Medicine, Minya University, Egypt



Background: Colorectal Cancer (CRC) accounts for a widely occurring malignant neoplasm originating from the colon or rectum. It is considered the second most common contributor to cancer-related death. PDL1 plays an important function in the immune response, serving as a vital component bolstering the body's immune system against tumor cells. The utilization of medications in inhibiting the PD1/PDL1 pathway strengthens the immune system and induce the of lysis tumor cells, therefore presenting a novel avenue for the treatment of cancer.

Aim of the work: This study was undertaken to investigate the immunohistochemical expression of PDL1 in cases of CRC, with the aim of assessing its pattern of expression and exploring its correlation with different clinicopathological characteristics. The present study also aimed to study the possible change in the PDL1 expression between the adenocarcinoma cases and their corresponding Lymph node metastasis and investigate the disease-free survival for the studied cases.

Materials and methods: A total of 50 tissue blocks from primary colorectal adenocarcinoma and 10 corresponding lymph node blocks, demonstrating metastasis, were randomly selected for immunohistochemical staining of PDL1 expression.

Results: PDL1 expression was detected as positive membranous immunostaining ranging between –ve/ low and high expression. Eleven cases (22%) showed high expression while 39 (78%) showed -ve/ low expression. Ten pairs of primary tumor and respective lymph node metastasis were compared, Univariate and multivariate regression analysis were employed to examine disease-free survival.

Conclusion: PDL1 elevated expression can be regarded as an unfavorable prognostic indicator in the assessment of CRC patients.


Main Subjects