Effect of Arteriovenous fistula patency on blood pressure in patients of renal transplantation

Document Type : Original Article


Internal medicine - faculty of medicine Minia university


Background: Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis have evolved into bridging therapies that individual undergo while they await a suitable kidney donor, thanks to the rapid expansion of numerous national and international transplantation programs.

Aim and objectives: Assessment of the impact of arteriovenous fistula patency on blood pressure in patients of kidney transplantation.

Patients and methods: This trial was performed on 98 kidney transplant recipients who were divided into 2 groups: the closed AVF group (N= 46), the patent AVF group (N = 52). This study was conducted at El Minia University outpatient nephrology clinic and ensurance hospital nephrology clinic in Minia governorate.

Results: There was statistically significant variance among two studied groups regarding Systolic blood pressure was significantly higher in patent AVF group than closed AVF group but there was no difference in diastolic blood pressure in the two studied groups.

Key words: Arteriovenous fistula, blood pressure, renal transplantation.

Conclusion: In this study we found that systolic BP higher in patient with patent AVF than patients with closed AVF also we found that patients patent AVF have significant increase in LVH and diastolic dysfunction more than patients with closed so it is advisable to close AVF in patients of renal transplantation will protect them from hypertension and destructive changes in the heart as LVH and Lt vent diastolic dysfunction.


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