Effect of quetiapine on arterial oxygen saturation on head trauma patients

Document Type : Original Article


1 Anesthesiology and ICU, faculty of medicine, Minia university, Minia, Minia

2 Anesthesia,Medicine,Minia University



Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is considered a major global public health epidemic, economic and social issue as it is the main cause of death and disability in most countries.

Aim and objectives: To assess and evaluate the efficacy and safety of Quetiapine in the management of agitated behaviors following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and its effect on arterial oxygen saturation

Patient and methods: This prospective randomized controlled study conducted on 40 adult patients (divided into 2 equal groups, 20 cases each) aged 18-60 years old with isolated moderate TBI in trauma ICU of Minia University Hospital (MUH) starting from July 15, 2022.

Results: There was a substantial variation between the two studied groups as regard arterial oxygen saturation readings which was significantly higher in group Q compared to group C in the 7th and 8th days.

Conclusion: Quetiapine was safe and effective in the management of agitated behaviors following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and improvement of arterial oxygen saturation.


Main Subjects