Additive role of dynamic MRI in diagnosis of intermediate breast lesions (BIRADs 3&4)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Diagnostic radiology department, faculty of medicine, Minia university

2 Department of diagnostic radiology, faculty of medicine, Minia University

3 Department of diagnostic radiology, faculty of medicine, Minia university



Background: Breast cancer is the malignancy with the greatest prevalence among women in many countries, including Egypt, and diagnostic radiology aims to detect it early. Because primary prevention is impossible, screening programs are used to discover breast cancer at an early stage. Clinical examination, mammography, ultrasonography, and magnetic resonance imaging are used to make a diagnosis (1).

Method: 32 individuals identified with intermediate breast lesions on ultrasonography received dynamic MRI breast assessment. A confirmatory Tru-cut biopsy was performed.

Results: the study involved 32 patients with suspicious breast lesions in ultrasonography examination, the range of the age of our study patients was from 29 to 78 years old with mean age of 56.1 years (40.6 % of the lesions was seen in the right side and 53.13 % of the lesions was seen in the left side with 6.25 % of the cases with bilateral breast lesions).

Conclusion: to determine the function of dynamic MRI breast examination in the diagnosis of discovered intermediate lesions in ultrasonography, followed by biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.


Main Subjects