Risk factors of otitis media with effusion

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department otorhinolaryngology Faculty of Medicine – Minia University

2 Department of Otolaryngology, Minia faculty of Medicine at Minia University, Minia, Egypt

3 Department of ENT

4 Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine, Minia University


background: otitis media with effusion is a typeof chronic non-suppurative otitis media that means presence of fluid in the middle ear cavity. which is a common disorder in childhood

Aim of the study :is to know the commonest causes and risk factors for secretory otitis media to help us in its prevention and to provide better treatment for it according to etiological factors.

patient and methods:143 patients who had otitis media with effusion presented to our clinic confirmed by tympanogram were included in this study , aged from 4-16years .all the patients underwent otoscopic examination,Anterior rhinoscopy and oral cavity examination was done.The children had tympanometry to confirm clinical diagnosis. Imaging in the form of x-ray nasopharynx lateral view was done.

results :the age ranged from4 years to16 years There were 71 males and 72females.According to our study, there was a strong relation between adenoid hypertrophy and otitis media with effusion. It is a very important etiological factor 102 children of otitis media had hypertrophied adenoid (71.3%%).there were 97 children of otitis media with effusion who had history of recurrent upper respiratory tract infection. which is an important etiological factor.

conclusion :There is a strong relation between adenoid hypertrophy and secrettory otitis media. Adenoid hypertrophy is a very common etiollogical factor. This must be taken into consideration in management of persistent otitis media with effusion. Also recurrent upper respiratory inffection is associated with otitis media with effusion, so protection of the children against it helps in prevention of secretory otitis media.


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