Comparison between Buccal Fat Pad Versus Platelet Rich Fibrin Using Vestibular Incision Subperiosteal Tunnel Access Technique in the Treatment of Gingival Recession Class II

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Oral Diagnosis and Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Minya University


Background: Gingival recession is a common condition that involves apical migration of the 
gingival margin leading to exposure of the root surfaces. The condition has a multifactorial 
etiology and is commonly associated with trauma caused by inappropriate brushing 
techniques and damage caused by periodontal disease. If not managed, the exposed root 
surface can become prone to the development of root caries, hype and sensitivity and can also 
compromise the patient aesthetically when the defect sites are present in the aesthetic zone. 
Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of Non-pedicled 
buccal fat pad versus Platelet-rich fibrin in the treatment of Miller class II gingival recession 
us the ing vestibular Incision Subperiosteal Tunnel Access Technique. Patients and 
methods: This study was conducted on 40 patients with class II gingival recession in the 
anterior or premolar segment. The entire patient was selected from the outpatient clinic of the 
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, and Periodontology Department. Faculty of Dentistry, Minya 
University. Forty patients with gingival recession class II were divided randomly into two 
groups: Group I: (20 defects) using VISTA technique with Non- pedicled buccal fat pad 
(NPBFP), Group II: (20 defects) using VISTA technique with platelet-rich fibrin (PRF).
Results: In both groups, all clinical parameters were statistically significant from the preoperative period till 6 months follow-up period. In comparison between the two groups after 6 
month follow up period, there was no statistically significant difference between the two 
groups regarding all clinical parameters except the percentage of root coverage; there was a 
significant increase in the percentage of root coverage after 3 and 6 months follow up period 
in group II with p-value was less than 0.05. Conclusion: Both PRF membrane and NPBFP 
are effective in the management of Class II gingival recession defects using VISTA 
technique. PRF group has better results regarding the percentage of root coverage than 
NPBPF group after 3 and 6 months follow up.


Main Subjects