CD19 and CD24 in beta thalassemia major and iron deficiency anemia in children

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Clinical Pathology, El-Minia Faculty of Medicine


Introduction: β-Thalassemia major is a hereditary hemolytic anemia caused by defect in β globin 
chain synthesis. Aim of the work: The aims of this study are: 1- Detection of CD19 and CD24 
expression among children with β-thalassemia major and iron deficiency anemia. 2- The relationship 
of CD19 and CD24 to the clinical course of β-thalassemia major and iron deficiency anemia. 3-
Correlation of CD19 and CD24 in β-thalassemia major and iron deficiency anemia. Subject and 
Methods: This prospective cohort study was conducted in the Department of Clinical pathology and 
Pediatric Hematology Unit at Minia University hospitals during the period from June 2017 to March 
2018. This study included 60 patients in addition to 30 healthy controls, their age ranged from 9 
months to 12 years. Results: Thirty beta thalassemia major children, thirty iron deficiency anemia 
children and thirty apparently healthy children as control, their age ranged from 9 months to 12 years. 
They were selected from out-patient clinics and those who were admitted in Pediatric department in 
Minia University hospital from June 2017 to March 2018. Discussion: β-thalassemia syndromes are 
the most common inherited hemoglobinopathies in the world caused by a genetic deficiency in βglobin chain synthesis. Summary: This study aimed to assess CD19 and CD24 expression in beta 
thalassemia major and iron deficiency anemia, and to evaluate their association with different 
demographic and laboratory data, as well as their relation to disease out come.


Main Subjects