The Effect of Anti-Oxidant and Iron Chelator on Metabolic E Bone Turnover in Ovariectomized Rats

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Assuit, Egypt.

2 Department of Physiology, Egyptian Russian University, Egypt.

3 Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Assuit University, Egypt.


Background: Osteoporosis affects women a lot especially older age after menopause. It may 
lead to bad back draws that may prone to considerable pathological conditions e.g. fracture 
and sever pain. Objective: This study aims to identify the effect of anti-oxidant and iron 
chelator on metabolic bone turnover in ovariectomized rats. Materials and Methods: The 
rats were divided into five groups, negative control, positive control, desferal treated, vitamin 
E treated and desferal + vitamin E treated groups. determination of serum estrogen, ferritin, 
ALP, TNF α and osteocalcin at the end of experiment. Also, morphology of bone in female 
rats were evaluated at the end of experiment. Results: The ovariectomy lead to decrease in 
serum estrogen level and increase serum level of ferritin, ALP, TNF α and osteocalcin. On the 
other hand usage of desferal and vitamin E lead to decrease serum level of ferritin, ALP, TNF 
α and osteocalcin. Histological picture of bone, our results showed that abnormal structure of 
bone of untreated group versus to improvement in histological picture of treated groups.
Conclusion: The female rats alleged to ovariectomy and suffered from osteoporosis will be 
showed improved in her bone by using desferal and vitamin E alone or in combination. 


Main Subjects