The role of MRI Diffusion in differentiation between benign and malignant thyroid nodules correlated with fine needle aspiration cytology “FNAC”

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Minia University


Introduction: Thyroid nodule is a discrete lesion within the thyroid gland that is palpable and /or 
sonographically distinct from the surrounding thyroid parenchyma. Aim of the Work: To evaluate 
the diagnostic value of the MRI diffusion in differentiation between benign and malignant thyroid 
nodule in correlation with fine needle aspiration cytology. Patient And Methods: This study will be 
conducted in the department of diagnostic and interventional Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Minia 
University starting from May 2019 and after being ethically approved by department committee.


Main Subjects