Maternal age and parity as risk factors for prediction of GTN

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Maternity Hospital Minia University

2 Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Maternity Hospital Minia University,


Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) represents a rare complication of pregnancy. It may occur 
after a full-term delivery and a spontaneous miscarriage however, the risk of occurrence is more 
common after molar pregnancy. in this study we try to evaluate the management strategies and 
outcome of cases of molar pregnancies at maternity hospital Minia university over one year from 
July 2019 up to July 2020. Our study include 94 patients having picture of molar pregnancy. The post 
molar rising B-hcg titter occur more commonly with patients more than 35 years old and with patients 
with high parity Para five or more. while spontaneous resolution common with young, low parity 
patients. In our study we try to find the prediction model for the patients at high risk for developing 
persistent GTD. Thus we find that persistent GTD is more common in women aged 35 years old or 
more and women having high parity. Based on the results of the present study we concluded that 
molar pregnancy in patients with old age , high parity at high risk to develop persistent GTD. The 
early prediction and recognition of persistent GTD allow early and better treatment for patients with 
high risk . which lead to the better prognosis for this patients. 


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