Correlation of serum creatinine in occurrence of preeclampsia

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Clinical pathology, Faculty of Medicine -Minia University


Purpose: To assess the relation between serum creatinine level in pregnant women and correlation 
between its value and occurrence of preeclampsia. Methods: An 80 pregnant female were involved in the 
study. They were divided into 40 case group; pregnant females with risk factors of preeclampsia and 40 
apparently healthy pregnant women as a control group. Serum creatinine was tested using auto-analyzer, 
using the commercially available kits. Results: Serum creatinine was significantly higher in women who 
developed preeclampsia later. Conclusion: In summary we found an association of serum creatinine and 
preeclampsia. we recommend to use serum creatinine test in screening in women who are at risk of 
having preeclampsia later in pregnancy.


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