Metabolic Disorders in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Minia University, Minia, Egypt

2 Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Minia University, Minia, Egypt.


Background :Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common chronic disorder with a prevalence of 2–
4% in general with an approximate rate of 14% in men and 5% in women aged (30–70) years 
respectively [1]
. OSA is diagnosed according to clinical symptoms and episode of apnea-hypopnea 
measured via polysomnography (PSG). OSA is a worldwide highly prevalent disease associated with 
systemic consequences, including excessive sleepiness, neurocognitive dysfunction and daytime 
performance. The long-term sequelae of OSA lead to cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and metabolic 
syndrome disorders that lead to premature death if untreated[2]
. Objective: This study aimed to 
determine metabolic syndrome comorbidities associated with OSA patients. Results: ninety (90) 
subjects were involved in this study 45 volunteers as a control ,45 patients with OSA (6 mild, 14 
moderate, and 25 severe), their ages Mean±SD 57.2±8.9, 33.3% males, and 66.7% females, 24.4% 
current smoker, 8.9% ex-smoker, and 66.7% non-smoker. BMI was significantly higher among OSA 
patients than obese and non-obese control groups (P= <0.001). Neck circumference was significantly 
large among OSA patients than control groups (P= <0.001). Comorbidities as hypertension and DM 
was significantly high among OSA patients than control groups (p= <0.001*). There was statistically 
significant increase in thioredoxin among OSA patient more than control non-obese group (P= 
0.026*). Also; there was decrease in adiponectin in OSA patients more than control obese and nonobese but in non-significant manner. There was statistically significant decrease in adiponectin with 
sever OSA more than moderate and mild groups (P= 0.022*). Conclusion: OSA is a serious condition 
that can be diagnosed with polysomnography and is associated with cardiovascular and metabolic 


Main Subjects